We all know how difficult it can be to keep track of everything once you're deep into an adventure, so this overhaul of the user interface on PC shows you greater information for items, displays active effects on screen, and much more.
We all know the reputation Bethesda's games have. Plenty of fans have taken it upon themselves to fix bugs, optimize and overhaul systems, and make the user interface more to their liking. Or maybe they've modded full, networked multiplayer into the game. They've done that, too.
oblivion character overhaul black face
Download from: Nexus Mods (opens in new tab)An improved character creation menu with numeric displays for all sliders and the ability to choose any color for your hair, skin, or other tints rather than being limited based on race. There's a sculpt mode if you want to get right into messing with the geometry of your head, and you can turn the light illuminating your face on and off to see how your features will look in different situations, which is a blessing.
Download from: Nexus Mods (opens in new tab)Skyrim's NPCs already looked dated when the game was first released, and they certainly haven't aged well. The SSE might improve the looks of the world, but it doesn't touch its citizens, so this mod from Scaria should be on your list. It gives everyone in the game (including your avatar) a facelift with more detailed textures that won't kneecap your framerate, without making characters look out of place.
What does OCO do?-Splits the nonbeast races up into using their own unique headmeshes and individualized face texture sets-Refines beast races' looks and introduces sculpted HD normal maps and detailed textures-Elves are pushed into looking more distinct, with angular facial features, longer ears and cultural details-Overhauls the age slider to a more gradually paced aging for all races, with prominent wrinkling overlays starting later-Adds a large number of new face textures built out of HD photos and handpainting-Adds facial fur pattern options for Khajiit-Introduces black-sclera eye options for Wood Elves and more eye colours for Khajiit-Rebuilds over 80% of Oblivion NPCs' faces to take full advantage of the new assets
While, therefore, on the surface of this subject we see the black brother driven out from the white Church by a wicked prejudice, underlying this we see the wisdom of a superintending and overruling Providence, molding, fashioning, and moving, and thus preparing a race for its own development, and at the same time making the wrath of men to praise him.
We might mention two lessons that can be learned from the life and character of our deceased brother. First, the importance of having a purpose in life and sticking to it. Dr. Price was subject to many allurements, many temptations to turn aside from his God-appointed work. Distinguished men in other Churches sought to draw him off by promises to do better by him than Zion Connection could do. Politicians tried to use him to their purposes. He could have had a collectorship at one time, possibly a seat in Congress, and was offered the position of Minister Plenipotentiary to a foreign court, as the representative of this, the greatest government on the face of the globe. But he put these things aside and went on with his own work. His admirers made him appear as a candidate for the episcopal office, and we feared at one time that they had succeeded in gaining his consent; but at the critical moment he arose to the dignity of the brave and true man of God that he was and bade defiance to his tempters, declaring his purpose to stick to that work to which he had consecrated his life. He declined each and all these offers with an apparent ease that was truly surprising. He had a work, and nothing could turn him aside from it.