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Transas Navi Trainer Professional 5000: A Single Platform for Blended and ECDIS Training


The US Coast Guard has awarded NavSim Services the contract for the USCG Academy's Ship Control and Navigation Training System (SCANTS) Upgrade. The upgrade will consist of providing two Full Mission Visual Bridge Simulators, three smaller Visual Bridge Simulators and associated Instructor Control and Debriefing stations. The simulators will be based on the Transas Navi-Trainer Professional 5000 visual navigation simulation software and incorporate real and simulated ship control and communications equipment.

Transas informs it has installed the fifth simulator for high-level training for pilots who operate in the port of Dunkirk in France. The pilot station is now equipped with the latest generation of the Transas navigational simulator Navi-Trainer Professional 5000, which capabilities allow to steer any kind of ship in combination with any propulsion and steering system available on the market, Transas said.The compact simulator version was particularly adapted to the Dunkirk station's budget and training objectives. Vertical field of view was optimized by using two rows of big LED screens and totally new consoles design. Fifteen 55-inch screens with 210 degrees of visualization give pilots an impression of a realistic situation. Center console can be turned 90 degrees on each side to recreate a perfect bridge wing viewing position when pilots need it. A large space was allocated to the instructor and debriefing area, where all the simulator data is available for intensive playback sequences: tracks and trends contours, radar video, 3D selective visual channels, bridge CCTV, audio and video recording.The project initially started in 2008 with the development of the Dunkirk harbor and Calais ferry terminals. Small groups of pilots, trained by Transas, collected and sorted all the original data. More than 20,000 photos of each objects, buildings and landmarks were made in the environment of the port of Dunkirk and its surroundings. Each of the objects was precisely located by GPS in order to create the specific high level day and night texturing simulation areas, based on information from the Dunkirk station electronic navigational charts. The Transas Model Wizard software suite was used for the area development as the pilot station invested in this latest tool version to maintain and upgrade their gaming area. The shots of the objects were incorporated into the software to obtain an accurate digital map of the port, so that the instructor can simulate any situation and create all types of weather condition. The final 3D database of figures is one of the most ultra-realistic environment and a faithful visual reality ever made for pilotage training purposes.The simulation complex allows to anticipate the changes in the port environment, model safe navigation and improve docking conditions depending on the vessel size, which has a recent tendency to increase. It also enables trainings on deep sea and coastal navigation, automatic radar plotting aid, electronic chart display and information system, automatic identification system, and on special operations like PPU, pilot boats, tug, escort tugs, Azipod, emergency maneuvers and more.The official opening ceremony of the simulation complex was attended by various authorities and representatives of all major French pilot stations.Dunkirk pilot station commented, "This new training tool developed and delivered by Transas will allow pilots to anticipate ship handling trainings in all weather conditions in our large industrial port area including lochs and new berthing places. We already modeled the implementation of the new LNG terminal even before it was built to accommodate under the best safety conditions the first LNG tanker call planned for the last quarter of 2015."

transas navi trainer professional 5000

In the Meridian Maritime Training Centre trainings are performed using the latest navigation simulator Wärtsilä Navi-Trainer Professional 5000 (NTPRO 5000). Officers of Navigational watch, Senior Officers and Captains have ability to pass simulation exercises in 15 navigation areas and more than 20 types of ships.An integral part of the simulator is the Navigation Debriefing room, in which the exercises, records performed on the Bridge simulator are discussed and debriefing is held with the instructor. The room is also equipped with a wall projector, which allows to show the real scenario to the trainees.Wärtsilä Navi-Trainer Professional 5000 (NTPRO 5000) fully complies with ISO standards, IMO and STCW convention requirements.

Navi-Trainer Professional 5000 navigational simulator has been designed in full compliance with the requirements of the revised STCW '95 (as amended in 2010) and satisfy the needs of all important areas of maritime training, including:

Modern navigation systems implemented on the Bridge include an Integrated Navigation System (INS), Dynamic Positioning Systems (DP2), ARPA/Radar multifunction displays, and Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS), all meeting the latest International maritime regulations. The full mission simulator builds upon the Transas Navi-Trainer Professional 5000 simulator systems already installed at MMA. It can operate either independently, or in joint exercises across campus for multi-vessel scenarios, with the existing Tug Bridge and Electronic Navigation Lab.

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Meanwhile, Transas Marine has gained class certificates for its navigational and DP simulators. Det Norske Veritas (DNV) has issued class A approvals for the Transas Navi-Trainer Professional (NTPRO) 5000 simulator. This means the simulator can be used for training DP operators and navigation. It can also be used for training operations on tugs, high speed craft (HSC), AHTS vessels and other offshore vessels in all maritime conditions, including polar ice.

Thanks to long-term systematic and successful strategic cooperation of the Croatian Navy and Faculty of Maritime Studies, this computer-assisted exercise was performed using the TRANSAS NAVI TRAINER PROFESSIONAL 5000 navigation simulator.

Our ECDIS course is conducted on TRANSAS Navi-Sailor 4000 ECDIS Simulator and the route montoring excercises and evaluation is conducted on TRANSAS Navi-Trainer Professional 5000 navigation simulator with integrated ECDIS TRANSAS NS 4000.

Miljøsimulatoren er sammensatt av to deler, den nye Transas Navi-Trainer Professional 5000 (NTPRO 5000)og Transas GMDSS simulator, som sammen oppfyller kravene spesifisert av SSR. En ny ECO-modul vil bli utviklet og integrert i navigasjonssimulatoren. Miljøsimulatoren oppfyller kravene til opplæring i henhold til STCW-95 om maritim kommunikasjon, sjøveisregler, search and rescue operasjoner og bruk av radar/ ARPA. Transas simulatorens visuelle system er markedsledende når det gjelder realisme og teknologi. Transas bruker bare utstyr eller imitasjoner av utstyr med full funksjonalitet lik den navigatører normalt bruker om bord. I miljøsimulatoren integreres type-godkjent Transas Navi Sailor 4000 ECDIS programvare med full funksjonalitet. Transas er markedsleder innen ECDIS og har installert mer enn 10 000 kartsystem om bord på skip over hele verden. "Våre simulatorer gir virkelighetsnære øvingsforhold og dermed motiverende øvelser på det samme utstyret som finnes ombord i de fleste skip," sier daglig leder John Vonli ved Transas Marine. "Vi er stolte over å bli valgt som leverandør til Sikkerhetssenteret i Rørvik." 2ff7e9595c

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