Xtreamer heeft een publieke bètarelease uitgebracht van de firmware voor de Xtreamer Prodigy. Deze met een Realtek 1186-chipset uitgeruste mediaspelers zijn bedoeld voor het afspelen en streamen van mediabestanden vanaf de optioneel ingebouwde harde schijf, een apparaat op het interne netwerk, bedraad of draadloos, of via het internet. Op ons eigen GoT loopt een topic met meer informatie over deze en andere Xtreamer-modellen. In deze release is onder andere het systeem volledig open gemaakt, wat de mogelijkheid biedt voor "de community" om aanpassingen voor de gebruikersinterface en functionaliteit te ontwikkelen.
Xtreamer Prodigy Firmware 4.2 28
So overall the A-300 did a great job at playing nearly everything I threw at it. Downmix of TrueHD works which is something that was missing in the 200 series. The A-300 is not without bugs though, and although not showstoppers, hopefully something that gets addressed in a firmware update relatively quick.
Overall I feel that Syabas has done a solid job with the PCH A-300. If you recall from my 200 series reviews, it was a bit of a disaster at first launch, with bugs that simply made the players unusable. Although the A-300 is not without bugs, I would say none of them are show stoppers, and the A-300 already has a mature feel to it. The 300 series is not quite the next gen player I am sure some people were hoping for (as usual there were a few gripes about it not being HDMI 1.4 and not supporting Blu-ray 3D, but there is no Sigma chip out that currently supports so it is a bit of a moot point), but it is a nice step up from the 200 series, especially for people who are looking to add a media player to their home setup. If Syabas can continue to update firmware to address all bugs and expand their online offerings via the App market, then the A-300 could end up being a very well rounded player. 2ff7e9595c